
Joining a membership with the Society of Sustainability and Green Materials-SSGM provides members access to training, research material, and industry insights to help grow in your field of sustainability and green materials. When you join, you are putting yourself on the cusp of emerging trends in your industry to help the community that you operate within.

Members gain global recognition, professional development, plus join conferences and webinars to keep you aligned with trends and well as connect with fellow engineers, environmentalist, scientists etc. in your field and beyond.

Become a Member

To become SSGM member is the greatest step forward an individual can take to join the larger SSGM community that protects our planet and the industry you operate in. gain free access to research papers, journals, webinars, conferences, conferences and be able to choose the training, unlock technical information and workshop materials relevant to your industry.

Community Events

All events listed under the membership section are a mixture of online webinars, physical events, technical presentations, social events and SSGM membership or SSGM-day events/ activities. SSGM hold a variety of events which are available to all. For member-only events, please login to MYSSGM portal to view and register.

List all events relvant to the SSGM-this could be a mixture, of conferences, webinars, workshops, online-meetings/link to other relvant societies/ sustainability society etc. (it could also link to/ pull information from the main web site under the Events.

Reasons to join SSGM

SSGM sets the standard for all its members through a range of membership grades and registrations for those seeking to improve their professional status, enhance their knowledge and network with peers in the area of sustainability and green materials.

Our qualified/ eligible member grades will be widely recognised and demonstrate professional competence and commitment to employers, policy makers, regulators, governmental entities and the wider society as a whole.

Advantages of Joining SSGM Membership


As a learned society, SSGM recognises the importance of continued learning and keeping up to date with all the latest industry news and technical knowledge in the sustainability and green material in industry.


Being able to connect with like-minded professionals in invaluable. As a member you can

  • get access to a supportive network of contacts – join regional
  • attend technical events and interactive webinars organised by SSGM special interestgroups
  • influence future thinking on energy, Green materials, Green buildings ,diversity, the bio-economy and more engagement outreach
  • become part of a lively social media community. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube(to be added later / if agreed).

Membership grades

The Society-SSGM accepts Membership applications from Corporate organizations and from Individuals. This is not limited to organizations from the private and public sector whose nature of work or business is relevant to Sustainability and Materials, but also include organizations which are interested in this field. Individuals, including students, who are interested in Sustainability and Green Materials and are keen to be engaged in relevant activities, are encouraged to apply for the Society membership.

General Guidelines for Membership Application

− Support and contribute to the development of sustainability and green materials in the UAE.

− Support membership promotion of the Society

− Willingness to represent the Society in their fields, sectors, and organizations

− Complying with the best ethics codes and standards to ensure good reputation.

 All membership applications (Corporate and Individuals) shall be reviewed by the operationalteam of the Society to ensure compliance with the membership requirements.

All membership applications must be approved by Board of Directors.

Founding Members, the initial contributions of Corporate and Individual Founding Members for the first year is as follows 

− AED Twenty-Five Thousand (25,000 AED) for Corporate Founding Members. 

− AED Five Thousand (5,000 AED) for Individual Founding Members.

After the first-year contributions, Corporate and Individual Founding Members shall pay their annual membership as shown in the following section.

Membership fees

− Ordinary Corporate annual membership fee is AED Five Thousand (5,000 AED).

− Ordinary Individual annual membership fee is AED Five Hundred (500 AED).

− Student annual membership fee is AED One Hundred (100 AED).

The currency for all membership categories is AED., The Society may review the fees for all membership categories to ensure the membership fees are fair and reasonable for all members. For all categories, membership fees are  calculated from the first day of the year (1st January) on pro rata basis. Membership fees should be paid one month before the beginning of the subsequent year. A maximum allowance of one additional month can be allowed provided the members can justify the reason for late payment